We study successful people and workplaces every day.
Are you one of them?
We’ve been paying attention to what works.
Healthy teams and cultures are not built with quick fixes.
Great leaders know that.
We don’t only utilize our Strengths-based expertise to transform your business, we use the power of Strengths + adult learning expertise + ongoing coaching and accountability to get killer results.
What we Offer
Contact our team for: Strengthsfinder workshops and facilitation (in-person or virtual options), corporate consulting, instructional design & delivery services, meeting & retreat design and training, executive coaching (currently full- join the waitlist for the next open enrollment), and leadership team group coaching
The Who
Teams use my Strengths Workshops + leadership formulas to get clear, level-up, and double-down on the mission.
Leaders use my systematic approach to invest in themselves and present their best self to the teams they lead and pull out the best in others
Entrepreneurs use Strengths to build businesses based on intentional culture design, not just skills
Practitioners such as counselors use Strengths in wrap around service designs and to better understand their clients’ needs in therapy, couples or career counseling environments.
Faith-based teams and non-profits use Strengths to build healthy teams that 10x impact and build volunteer strength and alignment
Wherever there is a tribe of people, using the proven strengths system to get optimal results is the answer.
The How
The forumula is simple, I use my doctorate in adult learning to design a holistic approach that:
helps leaders and teams get clear on the why, what they bring to the equation, responsibility to the greater good, and how success happens
levels up through meaningful awareness and investigation of Strengths
doubles-down on efforts that produce results without sacrificing the team or the end results
all while using techniques based in learning engagement and reflection for maximum, lasting impact
The Why
Businesses and teams get stuck too. It usually starts with a noble mission until vision leaks and people suffer. That’s because businesses are made up of people and often lack the investment into the critical components needed to see lasting success.
Only 2 in 10 employees are motivated to do outstanding work
Only 2 in 10 employees strongly agree that their performance is managed in a way that motivates them to do outstanding work. Organizations that focus on people's weaknesses create stressed employees. And it fails to improve performance in the long run. Employees need opportunities for development that focus on their strengths.
-Gallup Re-engineering Performance Management Report
There’s a Way to Fix This
Professional development has to be more than an annual team meeting retreat or adhoc training. Development done right is a holisitic approach in which leaders are taken care of and, in doing so, become powerhouses for the organizations they love to be a part of.
At the core of successful teams is heart (authenticity and empathy), mind (strategic thinking and positive intent), and body (massive action). Our programs offer companies and their leaders an opportunity to explore Strengths-based approaches to grow in each area personally and as a key contributor to the team. Every session is customized to each organization and team and includes: workshops led by one of our experts who will lead you through our strength systems, all of the learning materials, and up to three pre-/post-session strategy meetings.
We don’t leave your success to chance. We drive to your ideal outcomes with our service suite of offerings and optimal add-ons such as ongoing monthly or quarterly training with your leaders or management team or retreat facilitation. Just tell us what outcome you’re hoping to achieve, and we’ll take care of the rest!
The Results
Leaders work with me to:
Match desired outcomes with proven methods for results
Improve their bottom line and meet goals
Introduce StrengthsFinder/CliftonStrengths to their leaders and/or teams and establish a common culture language
Maximize impact and resolve conflict & tension
Create or support a healthy company culture based on positive psychology
Establish systematic accountability and managerial development
Reset, reboot, or re-launch static or stuck teams
Create a new strategic direction
Facilitate meaningful moments including discussions and learning based in adult learning best practices
The Options
How to work with me for groups. Click on an option below:
Insanely transformational full-day or half-day Strengthsfinder workshop experiences.